Chief Executive Officer - MTA
Carlo Micallef is a graduate of the University of Malta with a Bachelor of Commerce, Management specialised in Marketing.
He carries with him a long-standing career of 25 years in various important roles within the Malta Tourism Authority and the Institute for Tourism Studies.
During this period, he served as Director of the same Authority in its Amsterdam office where he was responsible for the promotion of the Maltese Islands in the Netherlands, Belgium, and the Nordic Countries. After this experience abroad, he returned to Malta and was entrusted with the expansion of our country’s promotion in new tourism markets and niches.
In 2014, Carlo Micallef was appointed as Chief Marketing Officer at the Malta Tourism Authority and in 2017 he was appointed as Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the same authority.
In 2013, he started serving on the Board of Governors of the Institute for Tourism Studies and in 2017 he was appointed chairman of the same educational institution.

Deputy CEO - MTA
Kevin Fsadni was born in 1973 and graduated from the University of Malta in Engineering and Architecture in 1995.
After working in the private sector as an architect, he joined the Malta Tourism Authority in 2001 where he worked in product development and project implementation. In 2015 he was appointed Director - Product Development, overseeing all projects and initiatives related to Heritage, Coastal Zone Management and Tourism Development. In 2022, he was appointed Deputy CEO with the responsibility for Product Development, Licensing, compliance, quality Assurance and Eco-Certification.
Kevin is also involved in a number of cross-ministerial initiatives related to policy development and sits on Boards and Committees including the Tourism Regeneration Agency and the Planning Authority.

Board Member - MTA
George Micallef has worked in the tourism industry his entire life.
He has been a practising freelance tourism development consultant since 1987 but remained actively involved in the hotel industry ever since. He holds directorships on a number of companies and sits on various tourism governing local and international boards.
George has led a number of projects in the Public and Private sector both in Malta and overseas and served as a consultant to various Ministers of Tourism over the years.
He has extensive experience in tourism development at a national level and has collaborated with various international institutions, published various articles and studies and delivered papers at international fora on tourism development.

Head of Research - MTA
Tania is Head of Research at the Malta Tourism Authority. She has worked in tourism for 24 years and her main area of expertise is tourism market research and strategic planning.
She received her Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) degree in 1998 and completed a Master of Science in Strategic Management and Marketing in 2018 at the University of Malta.
She has participated and presented research work in international tourism research conferences and seminars namely organised by Eurostat, OECD and UNWTO. She represents the Malta Tourism Authority and is currently Chair of the Market Intelligence Group (MIC) of the European Travel Commission.

Malta Tourism Observatory
Mary Rose is the Manager of the Malta Tourism Observatory. In addition, she holds a part-time lecturing position at Global College, Malta. Mary Rose has worked in different sectors, during her years of employment. She has worked as a Manager II Research at the Project Development Policy Implementation of the Ministry for Tourism where she was involved in the drafting of the Malta’s Tourism Strategy 2021-30.
After finishing college, she started her work experience with a small advertising agency where she was involved in the day-to-day running of the company. She then spent eleven years in the telecommunication industry, at the then Telemalta/Maltacom. After her working experience in the telecommunication industry, she spent a short period as a Marketing Executive in a Travel Agency. She then spent another eight years in a tertiary vocational education institution namely MCAST, working with students with intellectual disabilities and assisted in one-to one session with mainstream students, studying marketing and management.
Mary Rose attained all her academic qualifications during her working period. She attained a Masters in Marketing from the renowned Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK whilst working in the telecommunication industry. She also attained a graduate teacher certificate in vocational education and training, from MCAST whilst working at the same tertiary institute. And finally, during her tenure at the Ministry she attained an MBA in International Hospitality Management with the Institute of Tourism Studies, in affiliation, with the Emirates Academy.

Chief Officer Strategic Development - MTA
Managing Director
Leslie Vella was born in 1964 and graduated from the University of Malta with a BA (Hons) in Business Management.
He has a 39-year career in tourism with the MTA where he is currently Deputy CEO and Chief Officer Strategic Development. He specialises in Policy, Strategy, Research and Planning.
Leslie served for 17 years as Chair of the European Travel Commission’s (ETC) Market Intelligence Group between 1997 and 2014 and also served as ETC’s Vice President between 2016 and 2017. He is Malta’s Focal Point to the UNWTO.
In 1999 he co-authored “The Economic Impact of Tourism in Malta” and in 2015 drafted Malta’s National Tourism Policy to 2020. He has also drafted Malta’s Tourism Strategy and Recovery Plan for the period 2021-2030.

Appointed by the Minister for Tourism
Geoffrey is co-Founder and current President of SUNx Malta - Strong Universal Network – a global initiative to support Climate Resilience, related SDG’s and Emergency Response through Climate Friendly Travel. He is also envoy for Sustainable Tourism Global Centre and lead for TPCC – Tourism Panel on Climate Change.
Throughout his long career, Geoffrey played a key role in the emergence of Tourism as a serious socio-economic sector. He occupied leadership positions in various international bodies, including Executive Director at IATA, first President of WTTC and Assistant Secretary General of UNWTO.
Geoffrey served on public / private sector boards in Africa, Europe, Middle East and Canada. He was Tourism Envoy to UNDP Administrator; Member EU Commissions on Airline Liberalisation and on Tourism Employment: Environment Advisor to the Governor of Jeju Island, Korea: President ICTP (International Coalition of Tourism Partners). Worked closely with the World Economic Forum on its Competitiveness and Smart Travel activities.
Geoffrey has written and lectured widely on tourism strategy, sustainability, and liberalisation.

PR Consultant - MTA
Michael joined the National Tourism Organisation of Malta, MTA’s predecessor, in 1988 as Advertising & PR Executive.
In a career spanning over 30 years, he held various positions in the field of Marketing and PR, both locally and abroad. He served as Director of the Malta Tourist Office in Amsterdam (3 yrs), in New York (5 yrs) and in London (3 yrs), promoting Malta and Gozo in the respective markets. He was also Director Communications & Digital Media, responsible for MTA’s websites, social media, corporate communications, promotional literature, branded items, and a network of Tourist Information Offices.
Michael presented at various conferences both locally and overseas. He sat on the boards of professional organisations including ANTOR in London and Amsterdam, the New Media Group of the ETC in Brussels, the US Working Group of the ETC in New York, and the Executive Committee of the Americas Division of the Middle East Mediterranean Travel & Tourism Association (MEMTTA) in USA.
Michael holds a BA (Hons) degree in Public Administration from the University of Malta.

Director (PDPID) - Ministry for Tourism
Amanda Zammit holds a B.A. (Hons) in International Relations, an M.A. in European Studies and an MBA.
After completing a traineeship with the European Commission in 2007, she joined the public administration in Malta. She has extensive experience in EU funds and EU affairs and has worked on various EU funding programmes both at the Managing Authority and within Line Ministries. In 2018 she was appointed as the Director for Policy Development and Programme Implementation (PDPID) at the Ministry for Energy and Water Management whereby she was responsible for policy, EU and international affairs and EU funds.
In November 2022 she was appointed as the Director for PDPID at the Ministry for Tourism.

Board Secretary
Uschi Borg Olivier was born in 1969 and studied at Vienna Business School.
Her career spans various business development and managerial roles.
Between 1998 and 2014 she was in charge of International Business Development with an Austrian Group of Companies in the area of quality components manufacturing.
Since 2015 has been managing the MTA’s Route Development Unit where she is responsible for maintaining relationships with airlines offering connectivity to Malta.